My Work

My work covers a wide range of e-commerce, gaming, e-learning and finance across web, software, intranet, tablet and mobile devices. I specialise in the remote research and user experience design of enterprise applications.

My process includes a blend of generative user research, strategic definition, concept development, interaction design and validation by way of usability testing. I work with teams from early product concepts through to implementation and optimisation.

User Research Post-its

My 18+ years experience has spanned agency and client-side teams across multiple domains. 

I get into the nitty gritty of research, design and delivery. I work with teams from early product concepts through to implementation and optimisation. I cover all areas of the enterprise application development lifecycle which includes discovery, conceptualisation, testing and implementation.

My full lifecycle involvement includes:

  • Planning scopes of work within ‘Lean’, ‘Agile’ and ‘Waterfall’ contexts.
  • Gathering insights by way of contextual inquiry, ethnographic research, interviews and observational studies.
  • User research through remote user testing, card sorting, concept testing and in-person product usability evaluations.
  • Facilitating workshops to analyse and synthesise research into meaningful product requirements, user journeys and personas.
  • Designing and iterating interaction designs and prototypes.
  • Supporting development teams throughout implementation, facilitating feature prioritization and creation of user scenarios.
  • Measuring success, tracking feedback and conversion rate optimization.